Connecting expands possibilities – in work and in life – for ourselves as well as for others. Feraz Zeid, January 5, 2024January 7, 2024, Adele Scheele, Networking, Possibility, 0 - Adele Scheele Copy
For since mine eyes your joyous sight did miss, my cheerful day is turned to cheerless night. - Edmund Spenser Poet · England
Our national security is at risk when we rely on foreign oil to keep our economy moving forward. - Bill Shuster U.S. Representative · USA
When you’re asked to fly a 747 you better at least be able to fly a Piper cub - Edward James Olmos Actor
Anyone who reads a book with a sense of obligation does not understand the art of reading. - Lin Yutang Writer · China
If you use a trick in logic, whom can you be tricking other than yourself? - Ludwig Wittgenstein Philosopher · Austria
In the hour of strait and need, we measure men’s stature not by the body, but the soul! - 1st Baron Lytton Novelist · England
I lose and find myself in the long water. I am gathered together once more. - Theodore Roethke Poet · USA