+ A failure will not appear until a unit has passed final inspection. Author, January 9, 2024January 6, 2025, Arthur Bloch, Failure, Inspection, Quality, 0 Arthur Bloch Writer
+ Enough research will tend to support your conclusions. Author, October 24, 2023January 2, 2025, Arthur Bloch, Conclusions, Research, Support, 0 Arthur Bloch Writer
+ Every clarification breeds new questions. Author, July 30, 2023January 2, 2025, Arthur Bloch, Clarification, Complexity, Questions, 0 Arthur Bloch Writer
+ First Rule of Acting: Whatever happens, look as if it were intended. Author, January 9, 2024January 6, 2025, Arthur Bloch, Adaptability, Confidence, Intention, 0 Arthur Bloch Writer
+ An expert is the one who predicts the job will take the longest and cost the most. Author, January 9, 2024January 6, 2025, Arthur Bloch, Cost, Expertise, Prediction, 0 Arthur Bloch Writer
+ Don’t force it… get a bigger hammer. Author, August 15, 2023January 2, 2025, Arthur Bloch, Persistence, Problem-solving, Resourcefulness, 0 Arthur Bloch Writer
+ The compromise will always be more expensive than either of the suggestions it is compromising. Author, January 9, 2024January 6, 2025, Arthur Bloch, Compromise, Cost, Decision-making, 0 Arthur Bloch Writer
+ If your project doesn’t work, look for the part that you didn’t think was important. Author, January 9, 2024January 6, 2025, Arthur Bloch, Failure., Importance, Reflection, 0 Arthur Bloch Writer
The real function of art is to change mental patterns … making new thought possible. Jean Dubuffet Artist · France
The course of a river is almost always disapproved of by the source. Read explanation Jean Cocteau Artist · France
Art is really about perception, and mine have been changed through visiting other realities. Read explanation Fred Tomaselli