What did Anuj mean by: There’s nothing like beauty of heart as it makes everything look beautiful. - Anuj Author · India Copy
+ A noble heart is a window to find an open mind. Feraz Zeid, July 8, 2023December 12, 2023, Anuj, Heart, Mind, Noble, 0 - Anuj Author · India
+ A man is at his best when he is simply not like the rest in all his life’s test. Feraz Zeid, January 9, 2024January 9, 2024, Anuj, 0 - Anuj Author · India
+ The Best Thoughts are often those which are spoken without giving any thoughts. Feraz Zeid, January 9, 2024January 9, 2024, Anuj, 0 - Anuj Author · India
+ Selfishness even binds many people, but blindly without having any liking for one another. Feraz Zeid, January 9, 2024January 9, 2024, Anuj, Selfish, 0 - Anuj Author · India
+ Vision is seeing visibly the light of hope within the range of the eyesight. Feraz Zeid, January 9, 2024January 9, 2024, Anuj, Light, Range, Vision, 0 - Anuj Author · India
+ Memories don’t fade, it is just we who start overlooking the things once done or said. Feraz Zeid, January 9, 2024January 9, 2024, Anuj, Memories, Starting Over, 0 - Anuj Author · India
+ A person who is true to himself likes and loves others for what they are and not what they have. Feraz Zeid, January 9, 2024January 9, 2024, Anuj, Likes, Love, Persons, 0 - Anuj Author · India
+ Feeling and thinking are directly proportional to each other and inseparable. Feraz Zeid, January 9, 2024January 9, 2024, Anuj, Feelings, Inseparable, 0 - Anuj Author · India
This art, born of genius and good taste, can become beautiful and varied to an infinite degree. - Jean-Georges Noverre Choreographer · France
What uniform can I wear to hide my heavy heart? It is too heavy. It will always show. - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
If a handsome woman allows that another woman is beautiful, we may safely conclude she excels her. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
The pleasure we feel in criticizing robs us from being moved by very beautiful things. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
We are more sociable, and get on better with people by the heart than the intellect. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
We never love with all our heart and all our soul but once, and that is the first time. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
A beautiful thing never gives so much pain as does failing to hear and see it. - Michelangelo Artist · Italy