What you are aware of you are in control of; what you are not aware of is in control of you.

What did Anthony de Mello mean by:

What you are aware of you are in control of; what you are not aware of is in control of you.


This quote suggests that awareness is the key to control in our lives. When we are fully aware of our thoughts, emotions, and actions, we can exert control over them. We can choose how to think, feel, and act, rather than being driven by unconscious patterns or external influences. On the other hand, when we lack awareness, we relinquish control. Unconscious thoughts, emotions, and behaviors then have the power to control us, often leading to outcomes that we do not desire.

The quote also highlights the importance of introspection and self-knowledge. By becoming more aware of our inner world, we can gain better control over our lives. This involves observing our thoughts and emotions without judgment, understanding our motivations and fears, and recognizing our habitual patterns of behavior.

In today’s fast-paced world, this idea is particularly relevant. We are constantly bombarded by external stimuli and influences, which can easily lead us to lose touch with our inner selves. By cultivating awareness, we can stay grounded in our own truth and maintain control over our lives, rather than being swept away by the tide of external events.

In terms of personal development, this quote underscores the importance of mindfulness and self-reflection. By practicing mindfulness, we can enhance our awareness of the present moment, including our thoughts, emotions, and sensations. This can help us to break free from automatic reactions and make more conscious choices. Meanwhile, through self-reflection, we can gain deeper insights into our inner selves, which can empower us to transform our lives in positive ways.

In a practical sense, this might involve practices such as meditation, journaling, or therapy, which can help to increase self-awareness. It might also involve setting aside quiet time each day to tune in to our inner selves, or making a conscious effort to stay present and mindful in our daily activities. By doing so, we can take back control of our lives and steer them in the direction that we truly desire.

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