One always treads with a joyful step when one has dropped the burden called the ego.

What did Anthony de Mello mean by:

One always treads with a joyful step when one has dropped the burden called the ego.


This quote emphasizes the liberating feeling one experiences when they let go of their ego. The ego, in this context, refers to one’s self-importance, pride, or self-esteem. It is often associated with our identity and our perception of ourselves in relation to others. When the ego becomes too inflated, it can lead to arrogance, selfishness, and an inability to accept criticism or failure.

The quote suggests that shedding this ‘burden’ of ego can lead to a joyful, lighter step. This is because, without the weight of constantly needing to protect, prove, or elevate oneself, a person can move through life with more ease, openness, and joy.

Applying this idea in today’s world or personal development could involve practicing humility, accepting that we are not always right, and that our worth is not determined by comparison with others. It could mean recognizing and celebrating the achievements of others without feeling threatened, or admitting our mistakes without feeling diminished.

In a world where social media often amplifies comparison and competition, dropping the ego could also mean detaching our self-worth from likes, shares, and followers. It could mean sharing our authentic selves, rather than a curated, ‘perfect’ image.

In personal development, this might involve mindfulness and self-awareness practices to recognize when our ego is getting in the way. It could also involve cultivating self-compassion, understanding that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and that it’s okay not to be perfect.

By dropping the ego, we can develop healthier relationships, improve our mental health, and move through life with a joyful step, unburdened by the need to constantly assert our worth or superiority.

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