Moving to another country is not “running away” any more than leaving a toxic partner is.

What did Andrew Henderson mean by:

Moving to another country is not “running away” any more than leaving a toxic partner is.


This quote suggests that moving to another country should not be seen as an act of escapism or running away from problems. Instead, it should be seen as a decision made for personal growth and self-preservation, much like leaving a toxic relationship.

In a toxic relationship, one’s mental, emotional, and sometimes physical health is compromised. Leaving such a relationship is often seen as an act of self-care, a necessary step towards personal development and wellbeing. Similarly, moving to another country can be a move towards better opportunities, a healthier environment, or simply a different lifestyle that aligns more with one’s personal values and aspirations.

In today’s globalized world, this quote is highly relevant. People often move across borders for various reasons, such as pursuing higher education, better job opportunities, or a safer and more comfortable living environment. This act of migration is not about running away from their home country but is about running towards something – a better future, a dream, or a goal.

In terms of personal development, this quote emphasizes the importance of taking bold steps and making significant changes when necessary. Whether it’s leaving a toxic relationship or moving to a different country, these decisions often involve stepping out of one’s comfort zone. They require courage, resilience, and a strong sense of self. They are not about escaping problems, but about confronting them and making choices that lead to personal growth and betterment.

Thus, this quote is a reminder to view such life-altering decisions in a positive light. It encourages us to embrace change and to view it as an opportunity for growth, rather than as an act of running away.

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