What did Amy Dickinson mean by: Friends tell each other the truth, and then friends stick around for the aftermath. Amy Dickinson Columnist Copy
+ Almost any group of three is going to form a triangle, with two points closer to one another. Author, January 9, 2024January 6, 2025, Amy Dickinson, Geometry, Proximity, Relationships, 0 Amy Dickinson Columnist
+ One of the privileges of adulthood is that your parents don’t get to tell you what to do. Author, January 9, 2024January 6, 2025, Amy Dickinson, Authority, Freedom, Independence, 0 Amy Dickinson Columnist
+ People who are combative in one relationship tend to be combative in other relationships. Author, January 9, 2024January 6, 2025, Amy Dickinson, Behavior, Consistency, Relationships, 0 Amy Dickinson Columnist
+ We are not our best intentions. We are what we do. Author, November 1, 2023January 2, 2025, Amy Dickinson, Actions, Identity, Intentions, 0 Amy Dickinson Columnist
+ Perspective is the enemy of long-lost love. Author, August 17, 2023January 2, 2025, Amy Dickinson, Loss, Love, Perspective, 0 Amy Dickinson Columnist
+ Life is both short and complicated. People sometimes make baffling choices. Author, January 9, 2024January 6, 2025, Amy Dickinson, Choices, Complicated, Short, 0 Amy Dickinson Columnist
+ A threat is a promise followed by a consequence. Author, July 19, 2023January 2, 2025, Amy Dickinson, Consequences, Promise, Threat, 0 Amy Dickinson Columnist
+ Needy and boring parents tend to have needy and bored children. Author, January 9, 2024January 6, 2025, Amy Dickinson, Relationship, 0 Amy Dickinson Columnist
Art is not a reflection of reality, it is the reality of a reflection. Read explanation Jean-Luc Godard Filmmaker · France
If art, all art, is concerned with truth, then a society in denial will not find much use for it. Jeanette Winterson Author · England
There are truths which one can only say after having won the right to say them. Read explanation Jean Cocteau Artist · France
What is history after all? History is facts which become lies in the end. Jean Cocteau Artist · France