What did Amos Bronson Alcott mean by: Pity the mother who assumes the name without being all this implies! Amos Bronson Alcott Writer · USA Copy
+ Of gifts, there seems none more becoming to offer a friend than a beautiful book. Author, January 5, 2024January 6, 2025, Amos Bronson Alcott, Friendship, Giving, Literature, 0 Amos Bronson Alcott Writer · USA
+ The less routine the more life. Author, October 27, 2023January 2, 2025, Amos Bronson Alcott, Change, Life, Routine, 0 Amos Bronson Alcott Writer · USA
+ Education may work wonders as well in warping the genius of individuals as in seconding it. Author, January 5, 2024January 6, 2025, Amos Bronson Alcott, Education, Influence, Potential, 0 Amos Bronson Alcott Writer · USA
+ Every sin provokes its punishment. Author, August 2, 2023January 2, 2025, Amos Bronson Alcott, Consequences, Punishment, Sin, 0 Amos Bronson Alcott Writer · USA
+ Enthusiasm is essential to the successful attainment of any high endeavor. Author, January 5, 2024January 6, 2025, Amos Bronson Alcott, Attainment, Enthusiasm, Success, 0 Amos Bronson Alcott Writer · USA
+ Sloth is the tempter that beguiles and expels from paradise. Author, September 22, 2023January 2, 2025, Amos Bronson Alcott, Exile, Sloth, Temptation, 0 Amos Bronson Alcott Writer · USA
+ One’s outlook is a part of his virtue. Author, August 22, 2023January 2, 2025, Amos Bronson Alcott, Connection, Outlook, Virtue, 0 Amos Bronson Alcott Writer · USA
+ Ideas in the head set hands about their several tasks. Author, June 8, 2023January 2, 2025, Amos Bronson Alcott, Creation, Imagination, Productivity, 0 Amos Bronson Alcott Writer · USA
No heroine can create a hero through love of one, but she can give birth to one Jean Paul Writer · Germany
When I was young I pitied the old. Now old, it is the young I pity. Read explanation Jean Rostand Biologist · France
Women are the carriers of life. We hold the fruit of our loving beneath our hearts. Jeannine Parvati Baker Midwife