You don’t need to try to be God, you are! But if you try to be God it means you don’t know you are.

What did Alan Watts mean by:

You don’t need to try to be God, you are! But if you try to be God it means you don’t know you are.


This quote is a profound statement about human potential and self-realization. It suggests that we all have the power and potential to be ‘God’ – not in the religious or divine sense, but in the sense of being the master of our own lives, the creator of our own reality. We all possess a divine spark or a cosmic energy within us, which is often referred to as the ‘higher self’ or ‘true self’.

The second part of the quote suggests that if we are ‘trying’ to be God, it means we haven’t yet realized our own inherent potential. Trying implies effort, struggle, and a sense of not being there yet. But if we truly understood our own power, there would be no need to try. We would simply be.

In the context of personal development, this quote could be interpreted as an encouragement to stop striving, stop trying so hard, and instead, start realizing and accepting our own inherent power and potential. It suggests that the key to personal growth and self-improvement is not to strive to become something more, but to realize and accept what we already are.

In today’s world, where there is so much emphasis on achievement, success, and constantly striving to be more and do more, this quote offers a refreshing perspective. It suggests that we are already enough, just as we are. It encourages us to stop looking outside of ourselves for validation and fulfillment, and instead, start looking within.

To apply this idea in our lives, we could start by practicing self-acceptance and self-love. We could start acknowledging our own worth and stop comparing ourselves to others. We could start listening to our own inner voice and trusting our own intuition. We could start living in the present moment, rather than constantly striving for some future goal. And most importantly, we could start realizing that we are, in fact, the creators of our own reality.

In essence, this quote is a call to awaken to our own inherent power and potential, to stop trying so hard, and to start being. It’s a call to realize that we are, indeed, ‘God’ – the master of our own lives, the creator of our own reality.

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