We shall yet acknowledge His wisdom and our own error therein.

What did Abraham Lincoln mean by:

We shall yet acknowledge His wisdom and our own error therein.


The quote⁤ “We shall ⁤yet acknowledge His wisdom and our own error therein” by Abraham Lincoln is a profound statement that speaks to the human tendency to question or ⁢challenge divine wisdom, only to‌ eventually realize the flaw in our own ⁤understanding. The “His” in this context is a reference‍ to God or​ a higher power, ⁤and the wisdom attributed to‍ Him is‍ the⁣ divine plan ‍or order of things. ⁢The “our own error therein”‌ refers to our ‍human error or ⁤misunderstanding ​in‌ trying to comprehend or ⁤question this divine wisdom.

The quote ​suggests that there will come⁢ a‍ time when ‍we will acknowledge and⁤ appreciate the wisdom of the divine plan,⁢ even⁢ if we⁤ don’t currently understand⁤ it. It also implies that we will recognize the limitations of our own understanding or the errors in our judgment. In other words, it’s‍ about humility, acceptance, and faith in the face of‌ the⁤ unknown​ or the incomprehensible.

This ‌idea can be applied in today’s world or in personal development in various ways. For instance, ‌in a world where we often rush to judgments, this quote reminds⁢ us ​to be ‍patient, to have⁣ faith in ‌the process, and to recognize ​that we⁣ don’t⁣ always have all the answers. It encourages us to acknowledge our limitations and to‌ be open to learning and growing‌ from‍ our mistakes.

In terms⁤ of⁢ personal development, this quote ‌can serve as ‌a reminder that growth often comes from acknowledging our⁣ errors and ‍learning from them.​ It also suggests that​ sometimes,⁤ we need to trust in the process or the journey, even if ‍we ⁣don’t‌ fully understand it. It’s about‍ having the humility to recognize that⁣ we don’t always know what’s best​ for us ⁢and the wisdom to⁣ learn from our experiences. It’s a ⁢call to ‍embrace uncertainty, to ⁤trust in ⁢a higher power or the‌ bigger picture, and to ‌learn from our mistakes ‌rather than being​ hindered by them.

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