This is a world of compensations; and he who would be no slave, must consent to have no slave.

What did Abraham Lincoln mean by:

This is a world of compensations; and he who would be no slave, must consent to have no slave.


This quote is a powerful statement on the interconnectedness of freedom and responsibility. It suggests that in order to truly be free, one must also allow and respect the freedom of others. The concept of “compensation” here implies a certain balance or trade-off; that to enjoy one’s own liberty, one must be willing to relinquish any control or domination over another. The term “slave” is used as a metaphor for any form of subjugation or oppression.

In the context of personal development, the quote can be interpreted as a call for empathy, respect, and equality in all our relationships. It encourages us to understand that our own growth and freedom should not come at the expense of others’. Instead, we should strive for a world where everyone’s rights and freedoms are mutually respected.

In today’s world, this idea can be applied in various ways. It can be seen in the fight against social injustices, where one group’s freedom is often tied to the liberation of another. It can also be seen in the context of leadership, where effective leaders understand that their power should not be used to oppress, but to uplift and empower others.

Furthermore, it can be applied in our daily interactions and relationships. This quote reminds us that our personal freedom ends where another’s begins, promoting a sense of mutual respect and understanding. It’s a call to action for each of us to examine our own behaviors and attitudes, to ensure we are not infringing upon the freedoms of others as we pursue our own.

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