The solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.

What did Abraham Lincoln mean by:

The solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.


This quote speaks ​to the profound sense⁤ of honor and deep respect one must feel when making a significant sacrifice for‌ the⁢ cause of freedom. The phrase “so costly a sacrifice” implies that the sacrifice is not ‍just material or physical, but also emotional,​ personal, perhaps even a matter of life and death. The “altar of freedom”⁣ symbolizes the sacredness‍ of the cause, implying that⁢ freedom‌ is so valuable that it is worth any​ sacrifice.

The use of the term “solemn pride” is‍ particularly ⁣striking. It suggests a sense of ‌pride that is serious and ⁤deeply‌ felt, not boastful or superficial. It’s a pride born of pain, struggle,⁤ and sacrifice, not of ⁣easy victories‍ or ​shallow achievements.‍ It’s a pride​ that comes with a sense of responsibility ⁤and duty, a recognition of the‍ cost of freedom and the need to honor and preserve it.

In today’s world,⁣ this idea⁣ could be applied in many ways. For example, ⁤it could refer to ⁣the sacrifices made by ‍those who fight for social justice, equal rights, or political change. They ⁢may face ridicule, rejection, or even physical danger, but they do so because⁣ they believe⁢ in the⁢ cause of freedom and equality. Their pride comes not from personal gain, but ⁢from ⁢the‌ knowledge that they⁣ are contributing to​ a greater good.

In terms of personal ⁢development, this quote could inspire us to make sacrifices for our own personal freedom or the freedom of others. This might mean giving up comfort, convenience, or even personal relationships ⁣in the‌ pursuit of our⁣ goals or principles. The “solemn pride” we feel in making ⁢these sacrifices ​can strengthen our resolve and deepen our commitment to our chosen path. It reminds⁢ us that true achievement often requires sacrifice, and that the greatest rewards often come from the most challenging ‌struggles.

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