What did A. E. Housman mean by: His folly has not fellow Beneath the blue of day That gives to man or woman His heart and soul away. - A. E. Housman Poet · England Copy
+ The average man, if he meddles with criticism at all, is a conservative critic. Feraz Zeid, January 5, 2024January 7, 2024, A. E. Housman, Average, Criticism, 0 - A. E. Housman Poet · England
+ Ten thousand times I’ve done my best and all’s to do again. Feraz Zeid, July 3, 2023December 25, 2024, A. E. Housman, Perseverance, Redemption, Resilience, 0 - A. E. Housman Poet · England
+ Tomorrow, more’s the pity, Away we both must hie, To air the ditty and to earth I. Feraz Zeid, January 5, 2024January 7, 2024, A. E. Housman, Air, Earth, Tomorrow, 0 - A. E. Housman Poet · England
+ Shoulder the sky, my lad, and drink your ale. Feraz Zeid, August 22, 2023December 25, 2024, A. E. Housman, Duty, Enjoyment, Resilience, 0 - A. E. Housman Poet · England
+ Life, to be sure, is nothing much to lose, But young men think it is, and we were young. Feraz Zeid, January 5, 2024January 7, 2024, A. E. Housman, 0 - A. E. Housman Poet · England
+ The house of delusions is cheap to build but drafty to live in. Feraz Zeid, January 5, 2024January 7, 2024, A. E. Housman, House, Hypocrisy, Integrity, 0 - A. E. Housman Poet · England
+ White in the moon the long road lies. Feraz Zeid, June 1, 2023December 25, 2024, A. E. Housman, Beauty, Journey, Loneliness, 0 - A. E. Housman Poet · England
+ Therefore, since the world has still Much good, but much less good than ill Feraz Zeid, January 5, 2024January 7, 2024, A. E. Housman, Evil, Goodness, 0 - A. E. Housman Poet · England
What uniform can I wear to hide my heavy heart? It is too heavy. It will always show. - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
We are more sociable, and get on better with people by the heart than the intellect. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
We never love with all our heart and all our soul but once, and that is the first time. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
There are no elements so diverse that they cannot be joined in the heart of a man. - Jean Giraudoux Playwright · France
Memory, wit, fancy, acuteness, cannot grow young again in old age, but the heart can. - Jean Paul Writer · Germany
A noble heart cannot suspect in others the pettiness and malice that it has never felt. - Jean Racine Playwright · France
The heart that can no longer love passionately must with fury hate. - Jean Racine Playwright · France